April 7, 2002The most exciting part of the online life is the feedback. But there's a few that call us atention because the simplicity and, mainly, the sincerity.
This is the case of the guys from 8-bit Theater.
The only thing that we can say is "THANKS!!". :oD
And to our long time fan Billy Sky, thanks for the tip.
March 27, 2002Hey!
New stuff in the CONTRIBUTIONS session: Thais Ueda, our great friend, with a beautiful illustration [thanks Lahlah!]; Flavio Samelo with a non-digital design and Ritinha with a flash animation.
Also Elizeo Karkoski and Anderson Haendchen are back with cool contributions.
Hope you like it.
Check the updated LINKS session too.
March 18, 2002Listen and download the exclusive theme song at SPOONO made specially by Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER.
Write to us and tell us what you think.
March 5, 2002BINAH.ORG is one of the most important websites of the spanish design community. They ask us for a contribution for the hypercards project, a great "serie of collectors cards of your favorite artists".
Go there! And please visit the entire BINAH site. It's great!
February 6, 2002"To commemorate Diesel's sponsorship of all positive emotions, Donald Diesel is swollen with joy as he welcomes you to his Friendship Gallery™. His latest exibition; an evocative collection of interpretations of the emotions that are now sponsored by Diesel, has been created by 17 of Donald's closest creative friends."
GOLDEN SHOWER and LOBO are 2 of this creative friends.
We made the music of the "Desire" movie, LOBO made the great video.
We hope you enjoy!
January 29, 2002"Five well-known researchers explored the planet V2X and found there very interesting new life-forms. At the risk of one's life they installed a livecam and collected lots of informations about the creatures they've found on V2X. Check out what they've brought back to earth".
We made two little contributions for the SPACE MUSEUM session: ALA
Thanks to Ala for the opportunity. :o)
Special thanks to Guilherme Marcondes.
January 23, 2002One of our favorites websites is linking again to us, talking about the Total Control minisite and video.
We love memepool!
Thanks again guys!
January 14, 2002Hi!
Happy 2002 to you.
Great updates on the CONTRIBUTIONS session.
A flash movie from Astrozine, Joe Espindola remembers the time, Anderson Haendchen with 2 illustrations and Rodrigo Braga with a great re-creation of an old classic figure.
Hope you like it.
More news soon.
December 19, 2001
December 11, 2001HO HO HO!
GOLDEN SHOWER has created an eCard specially to wish you a Merry Xmas.
Lots of fun and a great 2002 for you!
But that's not a simple eCard, it's a game! To play online and enjoy our 80's-game-8bits-country remix of an old Xmas theme!
Titus and Vern are at Santa's Workshop. After being fired from the Baby Factory a month ago [The Remedi Project], Titus and Vern have been forced to take jobs as Santa's elves in this reciding economy.
With only days before Xmas, much work is to be done. In an effort to streamline Santa's run, Titus and Vern are loading multiple sleighs full of presents so they do not have to be loaded Xmas Eve. The only problem is, the elves making toys are all hopped up on Xmas cheer and are overproducing toys.
Your objective is to bounce the gifts to the sleigh without missing too many. Avoid bouncing dangerous items that may damage your trampoline. Remember, if you miss any gifts, there will be an unhappy child who will grow up to hate life and work at Starbucks.
Titus and Vern need your help!
This game has been made possible by:
Golden Shower
See you next year!
December 6, 2001We had some problems with our emails.
So, if you sent some email on the last couple of months and you still don't have any answer, please send it back again!
Sorry for the unconvenience.
November 4, 2001newsnewsnews!
+ The UPLOAD Festival, that is taking place this weekend in Sao Paulo, Brazil, has its official website online developed by Carlos Bêla at LOBO.
Check it out!
+ Speaking of LOBO, our buddies who did the 2 GOLDEN SHOWER videos really spiced up their site: a new reel, plus 7 new design movies and 14 animation movies!
Not bad, huh?
Dig it!
+ A new song of ours, still under construction, has just turned into a "teaser" for the new site by Nando Costa.
See it and hear it.
November 1, 2001YAY US!
470.485.000 hits, 246.740 visits, 2.233 emails [not to mention the spams, that go straight to the trash], 942 GB transfered, 431 subscribers, 41 collaborators, featured in 23 magazines, 20 wallpapers, shown by 5 TV channels, 2 new songs [adding to the previous 10], 2 music videos, 2 awards... 365 days later... THIS SITE, the Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER Online is 1 year old this last Friday, October 26!
For lots of people these numbers don't mean a thing. But for us, who never dreamed of achieving 1% of all this, it's really a wonderful surprise!
Who could imagine that by searching for "golden shower" on Google our site would be on the top of the list?
Way to go!
We'd really like to thank each and every one of the people who helped make GOLDEN SHOWER an incredibly fun, rewarding and amazing project.
Stay tuned for more cool stuff.
Markus Karlus & Kevin Rodgers... A.K.A.... Carlos Bêla and Roger Marmo
October 15, 2001Cool!! One more contribution to Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER Online!
Originally from Sao Paulo and currently living in Buenos Aires, Diego H Sánchez casually sent us this piece. And it's great! Take a look at the CONTRIBUTIONS section.
And for those who don't know, that section is open for everyone to show some creative output related to GOLDEN SHOWER and/or to the 80s. So, if
you consider yourself sufficiently infected by GOLDEN SHOWER's 80s virus, send an email to VIRUS with your work.
Here we are again at the Apple web site!!!!! YEAH!!
Like, emotional to the max... :o)
October 12, 2001Alright! Here we are again at the New Venue. The first and still the best Internet movie showcase is now featuring the new movie by GOLDEN SHOWER: "Total Control", together with an interview on the video, the '80s and the current state of Internet design.
Go on! Take a peek! New Venue RULES!
Thanks again Jason Wishnow!"
October 8, 2001HEY! This site has been chosen as the CoolSTOP Best of the Cool Daily Pick on 09/29/01. Thanks a lot guys!
September 28, 2001Wow! The "Digital Design Journal" THREE.OH put two links to our site! One to the Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER Online itself and the other to the "Total Control" video.
Thanks a lot THREE.OH!!
September 27, 2001
September 20, 2001Lots of sites we love and others we've recently known are still linking to Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER Online.
Some very good people indeed! :o)
So, stop by their sites too:
- one of our favorites in the whole web: DADAKO
- the wonderful UNA CHINA EN MI ZAPATO [prepare to spend a couple of hours of fun here...]
- our friend from Chicago Ed Marszewski and his Lumpen
- Portugal's great Cool Online
- the brazilian Misprinted Type with some excellent fonts
- Hungary's awesome inertia
- the wonderful CalvinOne , also from Brazil
And don't forget to check our LINKS section... recently updated.
September 17, 2001They're back!
Finally, after a couple of months on "vacation", the best Internet movie site, New Venue is back with a new feature: "Coin Laundry" by Jerome Olivier. Watch it now! It's really great!
September 3, 2001"AND THE WINNER IS... " That is the subject of the e-mail we've just received. And the suspense paid off - the answer was: GOLDEN SHOWER!
The WEBCUTS festival was created in Berlin, Germany, to showcase what's more interesting in Internet-based digital video. We've been kindly invited to take part in this festival with our 2 music videos: "Video Computer System" e "Total Control".
Besides showing the movies (last Thursday, Aug 30, in Berlin), they had a jury picking the 3 best, while another movie would be chosen by the audience attending the festival [the viewer's choice]. And guess who won this last prize… Yes! GOLDEN SHOWER!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!
Our one-year old video, "Video Computer System" brought us another joy! THANKS YOU GUYS!
Special thanks go to Eckhard M. Jäger and the Brazilian guy in Berlin André Stubbe [check his site, it;s great!]
That's it, GOLDEN SHOWER takes Germany! Wunderbar!
August 23, 2001Finally available, a new contribution for Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER Online: Jared_C, with a song made specially for this site.Listen!
August 21, 2001Celebrate good times, c'mon!
For those who haven't heard about it, GOLDEN SHOWER didn't win the award for best electronic music video last Thursday at MTV Brazil's VMB 2001. The
award for this category was fiercely disputed between our video and DJ Marky's, according to what MTV Brazil's general director said to one of the “Total Control” directors: “that was really close”.
There's a rumour that we received no less than 65,000 votes from the audience! HOT DAMN!! This is awesome!!
Our video had been on air for only 2 months [while the winner was being played for almost a year], we don't have any support from the Brazillian media, we're not signed to a major label, we didn't throw any promotional parties, no MTV VJ made it clear to prefer our video instead of the other contestants… none of this. That's why we're so proud of this second place. I mean, really!
We'd like to thank each and every one of you out there who voted for us, and who also asked their friends, Grandma and Fido to vote for GOLDEN SHOWER.
We'd also like to thank the amazing support we received from the many many friends who admire and believe in our work.
You know what? We're happy!
August 13, 2001A project that seemed to be forgotten for more than 6 months has finally been unearthed. The wonderful site KIIROI invited Nando Costa, a great designer and a good friend of ours, to “interview” someone. He picked Carlos Bêla, our designer, who in turn chose GOLDEN SHOWER to do the soundttrack [that's it, a new song!] for this crazy collaboration, that you can finally see at KIIROI [which by the way has a brand new look, even better than before]. It's interesting to notice how this video Bêla did with Nando already hints at some '80s references that would be fully realized later with the TOTAL CONTROL video.
Go take a look!
And don't forget to visit Nando's site too: HUNGRY FOR DESIGN. É massa! It rocks!
August 6, 2001The reaction to our new video couldn't be better!
We've been receiving a daily dose of mail from people congratulating Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER for its new creation and minisite.
We wish to thank everybody for the support!
And look HERE for our ever-growing list of supporters.
Visit their sites and thank them for us!
And to those who haven't yet voted for TOTAL CONTROL at MTV Brazil's VMB 2001… What are you waiting for? Do it!
NOW! :oD
July 27, 2001OH BOY! AT LONG LAST the TOTAL CONTROL minisite is online!!
Know all about our new music video, which's been nominated at MTV Brazil's Video Music Awards 2001.
Watch the movie… see how the song and the video were born… download icons and wallpapers for your computer…
and don't forget: get all your family, friends and neighbours to vote for GOLDEN SHOWER at the VMB! See how you do it at the “VOTE” section of the TOTAL CONTROL minisite.
July 24, 2001There's really a lot of great stuff on the Internet. We recently got in touch with a japanese studio we admire a lot, to tell them exactly that, and also to invite them to visit our site. To our surprise they answered right away, telling us that they already knew our page, that they had talked to Hisa [one of the makers of our new video's 3D animation and the "Matrix" sequence of the first one] and that they liked our songs! as if that alone wasn't enough, NACRE STUDIO also presented us with an awesome and most fun collaboration to our site!! What else could we ask for? :oD
Take a look and don't forget to visit NACRE STUDIO!
Thanks Kenji Abe!!
July 14, 2001This guy is fucking great! Illustration, design, fonts, wallpapers, vectors, pixels, links... wow...
And the redesign is even better that before! VECTORIZE is wonderful.
July 5, 2001Yes!
Even better than the real thing! :o)
One more great contribution for us! Imagine Monet... now, an Atari game. What you think about THIS?
Thanks Alexandre!
June 19, 2001Fine! New contribution @ Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER.
It's a text of m2b, a great friend of us. C'mon!: CONTRIBUTIONS.
June 18, 2001
June 13, 2001What an honour to us!
Comments about our music video in the Warren Ellis Forum! This is really great dudes! Thanks!!!
And please be back soon... our new music video is on the way...
And there's more... The Australian Personal Computer magazine posted a great article about us and our Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER.
You can read here the article. Thanks Daniel Gardiner and APC!
June 19, 2001Fine! New contribution @ Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER.
It's a text of m2b, a great friend of us. C'mon!: CONTRIBUTIONS.
June 18, 2001
June 13, 2001What an honour to us!
Comments about our music video in the Warren Ellis Forum! This is really great dudes! Thanks!!!
And please be back soon... our new music video is on the way...
And there's more... The Australian Personal Computer magazine posted a great article about us and our Projecto GOLDEN SHOWER.
You can read here the article. Thanks Daniel Gardiner and APC!
June 11, 2001"Back to life, back to reality", say Soul II Soul.
After a long long time, we're here. It's done. A new GOLDEN SHOWER production. Wait... and you'll see [and hear]. Here. :oD
Hey! This is good! natalia-o.
May 23, 2001Yep! The Japanese are into GOLDEN SHOWER too! The March issue of the excellent DESIGN PLEX magazine ran a story entitled "Design with game taste", featuring among other examples some stills from the "Video Computer System" videoclipe video, along with an accompaning text [in Japanese, of course… we'd appreciate if somebody translated it for us!].
It's a very comprehensive story, covering not only recent videos but some from the days of the original Atari release, or even older [1978!!!], besides highlighting other media/designers who took inspiration from the world of games, like our swiss buddies from Büro Destruct.
Visit the Design Plex site and buy their magazine. It's highly recommended for anyone interested in design.
Take a look at some scans from the magazine cover and the pages where we appear... ;oD
Changing the subject only slightly [but sticking to design and the Far East]: check the 3.0 version of our friend Sung's website: X Conspiration. It's really great!
May 19, 2001Yo! There's a lovely note @ SURFSTATION.lu about our site and video. It's so great. We love this site!
Thanks a lot, r A z [slrp and razworld]!!!!!
May 12, 2001
May 4, 2001Credited as the first Internet experiment with real time audio and video, sputnik7 is running a show on video arcade, with 6 movies reinterpreting the '80s video game world. And yes, GOLDEN SHOWER's "Video Computer System" is among them... be sure to go and check the other 5, after all you know our video very well already... Don't you?
Thank you Johnathan Wells!
May 3, 2001Apart from all the fuss brought up by Threeoh's May 1st Reboot publicity stunt, some of our friends launched their new sites on that date.
Out of nothing but respect and admiration for these people, we bring you a list of links everyone should visit and love. Beware, we're dealing with top-notch acts here. So sit back and enjoy some of the best web sites around!
Hungry For Design by Nando Costa
Cisma by Denis Kamioka
Feelings Project by Felipe Mahalem
Plastic Bag
The BlowUp
Congratulations everyone!
May 1, 2001
April 27, 2001OH MY! This is really great!! Take a look... 100% "AMIGA 500"! Music and graphics! 8bits style baby! Excelent!
April 25, 2001Yes! The French dig us too! The great site COOLBPM gave the PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE a kind and enthusiastic review, highlighting everything from the songs and video to the wallpapers and links. Superbe!
Thanks Pierre Charbonneau! Merci beaucoup!
April 24, 2001For those who missed it, here are the two BIG MAGAZINE pages that featured the PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER. Here.
We'd also like to thank Cre@te Online magazine [the web designer's bible] for publishing a kind note about GOLDEN SHOWER's site in its April issue [# 011]. Their site doesn't show any of the issues' content, but it's worth a visit, at least for the desktop backgrounds. Click here to read the note.
Thanks Cre@te!
April 8, 2001
April 7, 2001
April 3, 2001
March 22, 2001March 20, 2001Wow neat! The latest issue [April 2001] of MacAddict , the best international Macintosh magazine, features GOLDEN SHOWER in its cover CD, with an article and the VCS movie. Go get yours now!
Join the Napster Action Network . Your support makes a difference.
March 7, 2001Dig it! The new BIG Magazine is out... The theme for this issue is "games" , and features among other fine works the PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE . Go to your nearest purveyor of printed goods and grab yourself a copy, or just check the "multimedia" section of their new site [great redesign, by the way], where you'll find some of our songs and the Video Computer System movie .
This site's been going on for quite a while now, but we've only just discovered it: FLU. . And we loved it! It's an excellent brazillian electronic music project, creative and original. Kinda different from the average electronic acts here in Brazil...
February 28, 2001Hi! Welcome to our world.
" DFILM is the world's largest showcase of digital filmmaking and focuses on how technology is empowering people outside of the traditional film industry to make movies. The show this Friday will be the first show in a 20 city world tour including New York, San Francisco, Berlin and São Paulo.
The program runs 90 minutes and features world premiere digital shorts such as: VIDEO COMPUTER SYSTEM by Brazilian band GOLDEN SHOWER and São Paulo's Lobo Filmes ."
Please visit the site: DFILM
New contribution from Drika Netto to PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE.
February 14, 2001New contribution @ PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE: Felipe Mahalem is back! Yeah! Even better than ever... better than coffee. "My Real GOLDEN SHOWER" is the Flash Movie. Yeah Babe!
February 8, 2001Yes! Now we have "audio contributions" here @ the PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE . After the great Büro Destruct song, now it's time to listen to the insane brazilian guys from the Anal Creation with a song named "Caralhinhos Voadores" - wich means something like "flying little dicks"... Have fun!
HEY! This is a really great site: ALA.CH
Thanks for the link, Ala!
February 6, 2001"Brazillian Anatomy" is the name of the video made by designer Nando Costa for what's probably the most important design web site today: K10K
What's it got to do with us? Well, it just happens that the "sound_design" for the video was made by Carlos Bêla, who designed this very site.
Get over there right now and take a look (and a listen).
It's GOLDEN SHOWER approved!
February 5, 2001February 1, 2001HEY! Another great movie @ New Venue: "Smile", Niels Radtke.
January 30, 2001
At last! A new GOLDEN SHOWER song!
Well, actually not a proper GOLDEN SHOWER song, more like a cover version of "New York Groove" , written by Russ Ballard and originally recorded by ACE FREHLEY (that's him, the first KISS guitar player) for his 1978 solo album.
It's our tribute to one of the true guitar heroes, and to one of the favorite bands of our generation.
Hope y'all like it!
January 21,2001
Hey, our website updating system has been considerably improved! We
write everything online and the whole thing is immediately updated,
thanks to BLOGGER. We recommend it!
By the way, check the new look of the Feelings Project Website.
It's really great!
January 14, 2001
There's a new feature movie on New Venue : "The Pretty Girl" by Gorman Bechard.
Flash 5 plug in required.
Worth a peek: New Venue
Also, check out the new movies for Palm . There are 69 movies for those handheld computers. The name of the festival is: "Aggressively Boring Film Festival" .
January 08, 2001
Lots of cool messages keep flooding our mailbox, from people congratulating us on our songs, our site and our video.
And we love it!
The Germans and Americans seem to be the ones who like us the most! Many of these fans of ours have great sites themselves, which we put on our links section.
Check 'em out!
To mention just a few
First, our brazilian friends:
Fuckin'great design at Nando Costa's Hungry for Design, Teco's Grafikonstruct and Feelings Project : Felipe Mahalem.
Hey, check the Sung's X-Conspiration too! It's great!
The well-known New Venue has a new highlight. Plastic Bag [of which we're "link of the month"! Excelent!], the great Neo-Pangea , Stickernation [stickers for public places. cool!], WizArT [art! lotsa art!] and Unlovely [how minimalist-nano-design can you be?] are just some of those sites that are relly worth a visit.
So, what' re you waitin' for? >>> LINKS
January 2, 2001
Well, first of all we'd like to wish you a HAPPY 2001 ! May it be a damn good year for y'all!
We apologize to the people who tried to connect to this site last week, but we had a little problem with our host server and, thanks to their incompetence, it couldn't be solved until today. Bummer. Long live the Internet!
But anyway, we have lots of plans for the new year [some of them already put in practice last millennium, in fact] - new songs [one of them the first GOLDEN SHOWER song with actual vocals] and our first cover version [almost done]. There are also plans for a new GOLDEN SHOWER music video. We only need to pick a song, and we're taking suggestions on that.
Great news on the Contributions section!
German designer Norbert Bayer sent us one of the most unusual submissions ever: a ministeck of the GOLDEN SHOWER logo. Don't know what a ministeck is? Well, you've probably seen one already, only you don't know it by name. But if you take a look here you'll certainly remember. Check out Norbert's site too!
And from our homeland Brazil we have Raphael Vasconcellos , with a collage of veracious images from an old video game console... you'll probably remember when you take a look at it.
-- 2000
December 22, 2001
And the GOLDEN SHOWER project continues full steam ahead. People from all around the world are coming visit this site to know more about the band, download the songs and watch the video. But this led to something totally unexpected: download excess! Our webhost warned us that we were this close to going over our monthly data transfer limit, and that they'd charge us for every extra GB.
That's when comes along (again, in fact) Jason Winshnow, head of New Venue, the first and best Internet (and now Palm O.S. ) movies site.
For everyone's delight we made a deal and now our VCS video is oficially hosted at New Venue . This way our webhost stops whining, Jason gets happy, so do we, and so do you specially, who gets to know a really cool and creative site. Stop by NewVenue.com and say that GOLDEN SHOWER sent you.
December 19
oh my! this is great!
Vote Chris Christmas Rodriguez to replace Santa this Christmas!
December 1
Santa Claus arrived earlier for GOLDEN SHOWER this year.
We're proud to present the most distinguished contributor to our site: BÜRO DESTRUCT! Who knows them must be surprised; to those who don't, we explain: BÜRO DESTRUCT is a swiss contemporary design bureau. One of the greatest in the whole planet [they'll make our Top 5 anytime]. So after congratulating us on our site and claiming to be fans of our video for some time [as seen on the November 24 news], they decided to send us some exclusive stuff. Design? Yeah, also. Music?
YES! they made a song entirely with sounds from the Phillips G7000 game console [a.k.a. Odyssey 2 in America] running a vocoder cartridge. Specially for the PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE!
If you think it's a dream, pinch here:
November 30
Hold it! Two of the greatest design portals on the Internet recommended the GOLDEN SHOWER web site!
Kiiroi.nu is one of the first to put together a list of interesting works online. And they started a whole tendency. And K10K, also known as Kaliber10000, which is probably the most respected site in the web design world. "The Designer's Lunchbox", as they call themselves, highlighted our music video, and even put a link to Lobo Filmes.
We strongly recommend these two sites... and we feel very flattered of being on them! Thanks, guys!
November 28
There are three Brazillian design sites that everyone should take a look at, not just because they all highlighted GOLDEN SHOWER on their latest issues: BUTECO, XConspiration and OKZ design (this one by Jean, who contributed to this site).
The electronic music web site FIBERONLINE made available some free mp3. Among them BJÖRK - "I've Seen it All" (with Radiohead's Thom Yorke), NINE INCH NAILS - "No You Don't (version)" "La Mer (version)" - exclusively for the Internet, and Robotfunk:The Future by GOLDEN SHOWER. Check it out!
And more: the Contributions section is bubbling hot! Big visual adventures by Guilherme Marcondes (co-director of the VCS movie), Daniel Assan (also from Lobo Filmes), Rubens Miranda Junior, Thiago and Billy Luz, and an OKZ Design update. Oh, and we finally got a text to put there! Only it's not in English! But it's in Spanish! And it's the first appearance of Yucef Merhi from Venezuela, with an essay on the Atari history.
And stay tuned on this section, because we're about to receive contributions you won't believe!
November 24
Meanwhile, in the world of graphic design... The PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE started popping in design-oriented portals around the Internet. Prominent sites such as HOLODECK 73 and MEDIA INSPIRATION highlighted our site as an example of good design in the net. And thanks to these sites, others have mentioned us, among them PREESHA.
And there's more! We got an e-mail from Büro Destruct, a design foursome from Switzerland, well known in the electronic music world from their work on flyers, CD covers and posters for acts like Autechre, Rococo Rot, Mouse On Mars, Jimi Tenor and others at the Warp label. In their e-mail they congratulate us for the site and mention thet they were already Golden Shower fans, thanks to the VCS video that they happened to know for some time.
That was tough! To be praised by people of this caliber... I mean, how cool is that?!
November 20
A landmark event in the history of Golden Shower: we're on the Apple web site! We owe that to New Venue, a digital movie showcase and one of the new QuickTime channels supported by Apple, inviting us to be the latest weekly feature on their web site, with our "Video Computer System" movie. Featuring on New Venue alone is something to be proud of, since it's one of the most distinguished digital movie web sites around, having been profiled on publications such as Wired, Spin, Newsweek, Le Monde, etc. But being on an Apple page, oh boy... Anyway, don't forget to check out New Venue, they have a lot of great stuff there... even Golden Shower!
November 12
Well, it took a little longer than it should, but here's the English version
of the PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE, for all you anglophonic freaks out there. So sit back, relax and enjoy. And don't forget to drop by the CONTACT section and tell us what you think about the PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE. New stuff will keep coming... If you want to be informed in advance, get in our mailing list. It just takes an e-mail to coffee@goldenshower.gs
October 26
The Portuguese version of the PROJECTO GOLDEN SHOWER ONLINE finally sees the light of day. After almost getting fired, and under much pressure, threats and bribes, Golden Shower's official designer finished the job. Now all we need is to get all the texts translated into English, which shouldn't take long... Should it?